Tummy Tuck after C Section

Losing weight and toning up your stomach after a c section or caesarean section operation is quite difficult. You really need to push you body off limits to get back into shape. But make sure you have recovered from the surgery completely before actual hitting the gym. Most mothers feel that getting back their curves and contoured body post pregnancy is really difficult. But if you try and take up special diet and extensive weight training you can surely get back to your old shape. After a C section operation you need to give it time to heal. You should wait for six to eight weeks before considering any abdominal exercise or tummy tuck operation.

Tummy tuck or abdominoplasty is one of the best ways to get rid of the flab after a c section operation. Generally post pregnancy the skin contract and leads to wrinkles and sagging skin. You can take up aerobic exercises like jogging etc to lose weight, but loose skin post C-section operation is very difficult to get rid of the lose sagging skin.

Tummy tuck is one sure short way of getting rid of extra skin and fat on your abdomen post c section operation but its surely is an expensive procedure and should be the last resort. This is a surgical procedure that involves incision that is made on the lower abdomen from one side of the hip to the other, above the pubic area, and then the excess fat tissues are removed through liposuction. Its a suction machine that helps in removal of fat from the body  and after contouring and shaping the muscles, the skin is pulled and stitched back without any sac or bag. Tummy tuck surgery is expensive and costs anything around $4000, to $20,000 and above all it’s not covered by your medical insurance. It advised to get over with all you pregnancies and then opt for C section Tummy tuck. The operation takes anything around 5 -7 hours and it takes around week to ten days to recover. But for early recovery you can also opt for some belt that you can wear to overcome swelling.

A women’s stomach gets completely distorted post pregnancy and it gets difficult to get back her confidence on herself and body. One of the best ways to get rid of this stubborn abdomen deformation is by getting a tummy tuck.

Tummy tuck of the c section is the process of removal of stretched muscles/ and damaged issues due to pregnancy, and getting it back to its natural shape. But there are some risks involved as the wound can get infected, or there can be blood clots. When performing a tummy tuck with C section you don’t really know how your body will look post surgery and there are no guarantees on getting hour glass figure. An immediate c section tummy tuck post caesarean operation is not the right thing to do as the body has already gone strain during pregnancy. Its best to wait for six months before considering a tummy tuck, in the meantime you can take up exercise and control your diet.

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